Hooda's blog

Write to me

Managers/Leaders/Executives often ask themselves: How do I build trust with my team. How to open floodgates of communications? How to tell team members to open up to seek real feedback? How to create an environment of openness?

Writing, personally, to your team once a week (or once in 2 weeks) is the mantra that can make things happen. It can be a sort of blog but you send that in a mail to your team, directly to their inbox. When Leader writes to me directly apprising me of the plans, happenings, learning, successes, or failures, I feel special. I feel valued. I feel that am worthy in the hierarchy and not just a cog. I will appreciate that you took the time to write to me.

Make this writing professional but with a touch of team warmth. Write some informal stuff at the end to give it a personal touch and not just any newsletter.

Benefits of writing regularly to your team:

  • It kills rumors. I strongly feel that ‘Rumors are a failure of leadership. People usually get information through various informal channels but when a leader substantiates/discards/reasons the rumors/happenings then it breeds faith and kills future gossip.
  • It gives a sense of reassurance to people at ground level, at all levels, and to your team.
  • It creates openness. People will write more to you giving you the right ideas/feedback/opinions.
  • It gives people a chance to confide in you. It opens a direct channel and kills hierarchy.
  • It pushes your middle management layer to be more open, deliver more and keep promises.

Whether you are doing good, or it's just business as usual or you are in some unruly crisis, write to me.

PS: While I was working for British Telecom, Mark use to write to the entire team every week and I just loved the concept. Thanks, Mark.

PPS: This post was originally posted on hoodasaurabh.blogspot.com