Hooda's blog

Trustworthy doctors/dentists

‘Writing more frequently on the blog’ is now officially my New Year resolution for 2009. When something becomes your resolution it means that you desperately want to do that but couldn’t do that as diligently as you wish. New Year brings new hope and new vows to do new things or the same things in a better way.

Okie, to cut the crap I will be blogging more often in 2009. To date, ideas used to work under ‘push-mechanism’ i.e. they are wild and untamed and used to come whenever they wish. This is really good for me but apart from that I will also try to implement ‘pull-mechanism’ for ideas means I will try to think of more ideas. I am sure I can do that so let’s try it out. I have already jotted down a few ideas as my notes that I never got time to blog so I would be posting them in the next few days. So here I go:

Trust indicator of doctors and dentists in India

When somebody needs to consult a doctor/dentist they always wonder who the best one in their locality is. This is a dilemma faced by nearly everybody sometimes. People generally ask for references from their relatives and friends but that doesn’t always lead them to the best option. Your friend/relative might be visiting a doctor/dentist for eternity and they didn’t explore other better options in the neighborhood because their existing doctor/dentist serves their needs and people really don’t want to try anything new especially when it comes to a doctor/dentist. So a Database of all the doctors and dentists can be maintained. People can rate doctors based on their experiences. Other people can search for doctors based on their trust indicators and other parameters.


To begin with, the portal can enlist all private practitioners, hospitals, clinics, and other health-industry-related firms. Portal will give people access to rate doctors and write comments as well against their webpage. Moderators will surely be required for every city/town as people may misuse this site. Various options like consultation fees, mail ids, and contacts info of doctors can also be published on specific doctor web pages.


Ad Revenue from the health industry would surely be the first option. Apart from that other revenue models can be looked at as the model emerge. Currently, there is no such portal in India and the first entrant in this space can surely make a big dent. **This is just is demand-supply gap study so before implementation, a proper business case needs to be made.

PS: After writing this idea, as some folks have said that you have to keep thinking about it and polish it continuously, I came across a few health industry initiatives online. Google Health, Microsoft HealthVault, and WebMD are among the best or most popular ones. None of these 3 websites contain much info on the Indian health industry (however Google Health contains a lot of info on doctor addresses etc because of the sheer fact that Google is a storehouse of world data) so a good India specific health web portal should surely find its rightful place in customer’s mind.

PS: This post was originally posted on hoodasaurabh.blogspot.com