Hooda's blog

I guess I am in the BIG league:)

Isn’t everybody thinking that he\she is in the big league when they read some biography or interview about a great person? While reading about the qualities of a great person you always think about whether you possess those qualities or not; if not you want to add those to your profile asap.

Ok, cut the crap why do I think that I am in the big league. For the past few days, I am seeing that the world is implementing the same ideas that I have thought of. I can’t call them my idea as somebody else has implemented them but it gives me a huge sense of ego boost. It tells me that I think in the right direction. First, it happened with the mail2blog idea (see my last post), and then next came the 'diggnetvibes' (putting Digg features on Netvibes). Today I read about ‘Collaborative Filtering’ which I have been thinking of for the past few days.

It's sheer pleasure to know that my ideas are worth some salt and people are implementing them. Now the next in line target for me is how I polish my execution skills so that I can implement my ideas faster than anybody else.

PS: This post was originally posted on hoodasaurabh.blogspot.com