Hooda's blog

Don’t push me to the brink

  • Mobile number portability got introduced in India some days back. When an unhappy customer tried moving to another telecom operator she is offered a cheaper monthly rental and a very attractive call rates plan.
  • An employee stays with a company for years but when desired growth doesn’t happen she finally resigns, disgruntled. Then the same company offers her a good salary hike plus other perks.
  • A service offered is not up to the mark. Customer requests, grovel, cries; in vain. She threatens to sue the company in consumer court. Service is provided and some placatory compensation is doled out by the company.

Why do companies push people to the brink and when the customer is about to cut loose the same company tries to retain them. It doesn’t work. Once human loyalty is hijacked, you won’t be able to rekindle the same faith in the customer. You might be able to retain the customer but she won’t act as your advocate. She will be there with you just for the time being and something better will lure her away. Broken trust is nearly impossible to repair. And in this lightning-paced world, people don’t have time to trust you for the second time.

Dear corporation, don’t push me to the brink.

Dear Executive, are you reading the stats on how many people were pushed to the brink in your company, how many of them stayed back, stayed for how long, anything you could have done to not to push them to the brink?

PS: This post was originally posted on hoodasaurabh.blogspot.com